Nisi V6 Holder Review
The long awaited Nisi V6 Holder is here! I got to try it out recently so thought I would tell you how it went.
Firstly... How cool is this name! V6 sounds like a real performer... and it is!

Here you go! The Nisi V6 Holder We've been waiting for this one for awhile.
I've been using it for a few weeks now and I am very happy to say this is everything they said it would be.

A rare moment of contemplation waiting for the harsh light to disappear.

I first used the V6 over the course of a few days in one of my favourite locations on the Coromandel NZ. We were expecting horrendous weather conditions, including a cyclone which didn't eventuate (kind of a shame as was hoping for lightening!) but what we got instead was calm conditions and skies that lit up like xmas trees.

The very best thing about this new design in my opinion is the screw lock system. It fixes the position of the filters and provides that security of knowing the holder is extra stable on the front of your lens. Have you noticed that you always drop something breakable when there's rocks under your tripod and never grass?
I have never actually dropped my holder when putting it on or taking it off but I have had many near misses and I've seen plenty of others do it. It's that ultra sickening feeling of waiting for the sound of a smashed filter as it hits the ground and not a thing can be done about it.
There shouldn't be any of this anymore with this new system. Ultra stable!

Grabbing some behind the scenes images.
While @brentpurcell was photographing me........

I was photographing him!
As you can see conditions were relatively calm. I used the Nisi 6 stop and .9 soft grad to smooth out any ripples in the water.
The new shaped corners of the V6 made for fast filter changes and this for me is key when the light is changing so quickly. You can now access the corners of the filters for easier insertion and removal. This really did make things a whole lot easier. I think this will come into its own for me on the cold winter days when frozen fingers just don't want to do what you want them to. Yes, I've dropped a few filters because of it but I don't think that will be an issue for me in the future with this design.

The V6 is a totally new design that Nisi has produced following feedback from photographers. I like that they listened. Change for change sake is just annoying. I believe that these changes are all ones that will make a real difference.

One thing I really like about Nisi is they think things through and try to give the best value for money always.
The holder comes with the most commonly used adapter rings.

It also comes with Enhanced Landscape CPL for enhanced natural saturation in images. The Polarizer raised CPL design makes it a ton easier to insert and remove

The V6 also comes with a new carry case with tripod mount. Although I love the hard case, this is perfect for keeping your hands free. It's also going to be useful for travelling and hiking for keeping the weight down.
Useless piece of information.... Rumour has it that dinosaurs made the footprints in these rocks.....maybe!

Even the quality of the case is great. The stitching is strong and the whole thing just looks classy. Ok so it may not be so important to some but to us girls its right up there!

The classic 1 second shot. Only possible this day with a Nisi 6stop and 1.2 graduated filter. That was some bright light.

Moving water is mesmerising. Time just seems to evaporate when your'e playing around with it.
Nisi 6 stop and .9 graduated filter.

Filters in and filters out.... the dance of the long exposure photographer.
The holder will take 3 square filters and I tried out the 10 stop, 6 stop and .9 soft graduated filters in the holder. I was a bit sceptical about this but there was absolutely no vignetting!
So fun to play around like this. The extra options this gives will be really useful.
An extremely rare photo of me showing my face....... Sneaky!

So, a comparison from the V5 to the new V6.......... The V5 is good and I've been happy with it but this V6 is all class!
In summary:
Note the angled corners. You can now grab hold of the filter to slide it in and out. So simple but so useful!
It's more compact too and less is always more. Redesigned clip system, the security of a screw lock, raised CPL system and all in a tripod mounted soft case.

YES.... the V6 gets the thumbs up from me.
Retail is $359 NZD
In the box: V6 Holder, 82mm main adaptor ring, Enhanced Landscape CPL, Soft Pouch, Adaptor rings for 67/72/72/77mm and the V6 Lens Cap
Click HERE if you want one for yourself and I will sort you out.

Huge thanks to @nisifiltersaustralia for giving me the V6 to try and to @brentpurcell who shot some of the behind the scenes images.